Brendan Tierney

Hi 👋! I'm a software engineer passionate about building accessible and scalable software!

Image of Brendan Tierney
A potrait photo showing the face of Brendan Tierney

I've been obsessed with computers and technology throughout my entire life. I used to create video game web forums back before 2010 using VBulletin which is how I got my start in the web. From there I learned about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and have had a love for technology, programming, and web development ever since.

I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Boise State University and found out that my love of technology was also a love of solving complex, challenging, and interesting problems .

Since graduating, I've been working as a software engineer helping companies and organizations solve challenges to help their business grow and scale. I also have enjoyed leading, teaching, supporting, and mentoring other engineers and serving as a leader across the organizations I have been a part of.

Besides programming, I enjoy working with even more technology! This past year I setup a home server to serve as a file storage backup and media hoster on my network. I also enjoy cycling, playing video games, and occasionally collecting video games and Pokémon cards.

I have worked with some really cool and awesome technologies throughout my career. I have experience in:


  • HTML / HTML5 / Semantic HTML
  • JavaScript / TypeScript / ECMAScript (ES5+)
  • React
  • Angular
  • Vue (2 & 3)
  • WCAG 2.1 / Web Accessibility Practices
  • State Management: Redux, Vuex, Context, React Hooks


  • Java / Python / Go / JavaScript / TypeScript
  • Node.js / Express / Koa / Spring Boot
  • RESTful APIs / GraphQL
  • Amazon Web Services (Lambda, EC2, ECS, S3, CloudFront, RDS, IAM)
  • Relational Databases: SQL, PostgreSQL
  • Caching: Redis / DynamoDB
  • CI/CD Automation: GitHub Actions, Travis CI, GitLab
  • Server Management: Linux / Arch Linux / Ubuntu

Are you looking for a software engineer to solve tough challenges for your business?

Email Me!